Sunday, May 30, 2010

rooting Andriod

Leaning how to root any Andriod...

I. Setting Up The SDK

1. Download the Latest Android SDK from Google

Android SDK

2. Extract the Android SDK .Zip file to C:\AndroidSDK (this should name the new folder created

AndroidSDK in the C directory.

3. On your phone, click Settings > Applications > Development and make sure USB Debugging is on.

4. Plug your phone into your computer via USB cable (it needs to be on). It should say installing drivers

if using Windows.

!UPDATE 12.01.09 – If using Windows 7 skip steps 4 and 5 and use this procedure instead.

5. After it installs the drivers, goto the Start menu and type cmd into the search bar (Vista or higher) or

click Run then type in cmd (XP) to open the command prompt.

6. Type the following into the command prompt window (hitting enter at the end of every line):


cd AndroidSDK\tools\

adb devices

You should see a serial number pop up, it’s the serial number of your phone. This means you are all set.

If you do NOT see a serial number, then we need to reinstall the drivers.



1. Download your phone’s driver’s below then goto your Device Manager on your computer, look for the

phone and click on it. Then click Properties > Update Driver > Browse > Let me pick > Computer >

Have Disk > Browse > Then select the driver you downloaded below:

Motorola Droid Drivers (unzip the file once you download it).

Motorola Milestone Drivers (follow the instructions on the page).

Motorola CLIQ Drivers (follow the instructions on the page).

Nexus One Drivers (unzip the file once you download it).

Samsung Behold 2 Drivers (unzip the file, run the setup.exe) (If you have Windows 64Bit, you

CANNOT install the Behold Drivers. Find someone with a 32Bit system to to any Behold 2 procedures

involving ADB).

Samsung Galaxy Drivers (unzip the file, do NOT run setup.exe. Instead follow step 1 in Section II and

install manually.)

Samsung Galaxy Fastboot Drivers (unzip the file, then when you plug the phone in via fastboot mode,

select to install drivers manually and choose the folder you just unzipped and it should install them from


III. (Optional) Reinstall Drivers (If they did not install properly in Section I or II)

1. Download USBDeview


2. While the phone is still plugged in, open USBDeview and sort by manufacturer. Find all the HTC

drivers and delete them all.

3. Once all have been deleted, unplug the phone from the USB cable and plug it back in.

4. The correct drivers should reinstall automatically (check the drivers as they are installing, one should

say ADB Device driver).

5. To check, goto Devices (or Device Manager for older versions of Windows) in your Start menu then

click on the “Android Phone”. Click on the Hardware tab, and check the list of drivers for ADB Interface

under Type.

IV. Some Common ADB/Fastboot Commands

ADB Commands

adb devices – lists which devices are currently attached to your computer

adb install – lets you install an Android application on your phone

adb remount – Remounts your system in write mode – this lets you alter system files on your phone

using ADB

adb push – lets you upload files to your phones filesystem

adb pull – lets you download files off your phones filesystem

adb logcat – starts dumping debugging information from your handset to the console – useful for

debugging your apps

adb shell – drops you into a basic linux command shell on your phone with no parameters,

or lets you run commands directly

Fastboot Commands

fastboot devices – lists which devices in fastboot mode are currently attached to your computer

fastboot boot – boots a rom stored on your pc specified by the filename

fastboot flash – flashes a rom stored on your pc, partition can be one recovery, system, userdata}

How To: Create a Goldcard

I. Before You Begin

1. Some memory cards simply will not let you edit them in the way we are about to, so you may need to

do this procedure and if it doesn’t work, try a new memory card. 2GB Kingston SD card DOES work for

sure so up to you if you want to just buy one of those before beginning.

2. YOU WILL NEED AN SD ADAPTER! This can be a MicroSD to USB that allows you to plug the

SD card into your computer’s USB port OR a MicroSD to SD adapter if you have a SD port on your


II. Setup ADB

1. Follow these instructions (with video) to setup ADB for your phone, then come back to this procedure

to continue.

How To Setup ADB

III. Create a Goldcard

1. Put the memory card you want to use for the GoldCard into your phone.

2. With the memory card in your phone, click on Settings, SD and Phone storage, then click Unmount

SD card. Once it unmounts, click Format SD card. (Please keep in mind that some memory cards don’t

work, and this will erase all data on your SD Card so back all the data up first to your computer)

3. On the Phone, goto Settings, Applications, Development and then make sure USB Debugging is


4. *Make sure you have installed the SDK and Fastboot correctly from Section I!!!

Plug the phone into the computer and then open the Command Prompt (goto the start menu and type in

cmd in the search box). Then type the following with hitting enter at the end of each line.



adb devices

(wait for it to show a serial number underneath, if it doesn’t then reinstall the drivers from section I).

Then type:

adb shell

cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid

5. A code will display, write the code down (MAKE SURE TO WRITE IT DOWN EXACTLY!)

6. Goto this site,, (thanks to Soaa for the reverser!) then put in your code you just

wrote down into the text box and click submit. It will generate the code reversed and replace the first two

digits with zeros automatically. Write that down and continue.

7. Now, on your computer, goto and enter your email in the

appropriate field and for CID enter the reversed CID you just copied down BUT REPLACE THE FIRST

2 DIGITS WITH 2 ZEROS! (i.e. 12345678910 becomes 00345678910). *Thanks to Viper for providing

these Goldcards for FREE!

8. Click continue and then you will receive your goldcard.img via email. Once it arrives save it to your


9. Now, goto

HxDHexEdi&subj=uo&tag=button to download the HxD Hex Editor. Save it and install it to your


10. Take your SD card out of your phone and put it into the SD adapter it came with. Then put that into

your computer so it shows up on your computer as Removable Disk.

11. Open the Hex Editor (Run as Administrator if one Vista or Windows 7) and click on the Extra tab,

then click on Open Disk. Under Physical Disk select Removable Disk (your SD card you just put into

the computer). Make sure to UNcheck “Open as ReadOnly”. Click OK.

12. Goto the Extra tab again and click Open Disk Image. Open up the goldcard.img that you saved from

your email. You should now have two tabs, one is the SD card (Removable Disk) and the other is the


Press OK when prompted for Sector Size 512 (Hard Disks/Floppy Disks).

13. Click on the Goldcard.img tab and click on the Edit tab and click Select All. Then click on the Edit

tab again and click Copy.

14. Click on the Removable Disk tab (Your SD Card) and select offset 00000000 to 00000170 then click

on the Edit tab and click Paste Write.

15. Click on File then click Save.

16. Close the Hex Editor.

17. Test what we’ve done:

Take out the memory card from the computer, then put it back in.

Try to open the memory card on the computer (Removable Disk), if it lets you, you are all set. IGf it

asks/tells you to reformat the card, then try steps 13 – 19 again. If it gives you the same error again, then

try a different memory card (Erlern said it didn’t work for him until he finally went and bought a

Kingston 2GB card, then it worked on that card).

18. You can now use this goldcard to root phones that were previously unrootable!

Reported Issues:

Issue: I get no such directory or file when I type:

cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid

Solution: Try to type this instead (replace the 1’s after mmc with zeros):

cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:*/cid

Root Gold Card Method